最先端・次世代研究開発支援プログラム- シリコンインクを用いた低コスト量子ドット太陽電池の開発

Tokyo Institute of Technology, Dept of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering


Principle Investigator

野崎 智洋 博士(工学)
Tomohiro Nozaki, Dr. Eng., Professor

東京工業大学 工学院 エネルギーコース/機械コース

'93-'95 豊橋技術科学大学 工学研究科 エネルギー工学専攻(修士)
'95-'96 石川島播磨重工業(株)電力事業部(現・IHI)
'96-'99 岐阜大学 工学部 機械工学科 助手
'99-'08 東京工業大学 機械制御システム専攻 助教
'03.2  学位取得(博士(工学))東京工業大学
'03-'04 文部科学省在外研究員 ミネソタ大学 機械工学専攻
'08-'11 東京工業大学 グローバルCOE 特任准教授
'11-'12 東京工業大学 機械制御システム専攻 特任准教授
'12-   東京工業大学 機械物理工学専攻 教授
'21-'22 北海道大学 触媒科学研究所 客員教授

 代議員:静電気学会 (2016-20xx)
 編集委員:機関紙「静電気学会誌」 (2014-20xx)
 東工大:イノベーション研究推進体「多機能革新プラズマ技術」代表 (2014.6-2017.3)
 代議員:応用物理学会 (2013-20xx)
 評議員:静電気学会 (2013-2015)
 副幹事長:応用物理学会 プラズマエレクトロニクス分科会 (2012-2014)
 講演会プログラム編集委員:応用物理学会 (2012-2014)
 編集委員:機関紙「応用物理」 (2012-2014)
 運営委員:日本学術振興会第153委員会 (2010-2023)
 編集委員:機関紙「プラズマ・核融合学会」 (2005-2007)
 幹 事:応用物理学会 プラズマエレクトロニクス分科会 (2004-2006)

 Editorial Board: Int. J. Plasma Environ Sci Tech (IESJ) (2022-)
 Editorial Board: Plasma Chemistry and Plasm Processing (Springer) (2010-)
 International Advisory Board: Plasma Processes and Polymers (Wiley) (2015-)
 Board of Director: International Plasma Chemistry Society (2015-).
 Chair: MRS (several times), ACS (2010)
 Editor: Springer Series Plasma Science and Technology (2016-)
 International Organizing Committee: 22nd and 23rd Int. Symp. on Plasma Chem. (2015, 2017)
 Program Chair: Int Conf on Reactive Plasma / Gaseous Electronic Conf (2015). 

Special Issue editor
 Chief Editor: J Phys D, 2011 (IoP), Catalysis Today, 2015 (Elsevier).
 Co-chair: Jpn J Appl Phys (JSAP), Thin Solid Films (Elsevier), Catalysis Today (Elsevier),
 Plasma Processes & Polymers, 2016 (Wiley), etc.

 静電気学会:第15回静電気学会春期講演会 優秀論文賞(2014)
 エネルギー・資源学会:第18回論文賞 受賞(2022)
 静電気学会:著作賞 受賞(2022)

Assistant Professor

金 大永 博士(工学)
Dae-Yeong Kim, Dr. Eng., Assitant Professor

東京工業大学 工学院 エネルギーコース/機械コース

B. Eng., Korea Maritime and Ocean University, South Korea
M. Eng., Korea Maritime and Ocean University, South Korea
Dr. Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology,東京工業大学
JSPS DC2 Awarded



 講演奨励賞(第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会)受賞 (2024.3)
 令和5年度手島精一記念研究賞 博士論文賞(東京工業大学)受賞(2024.1)
 静電気学会 論文賞 (2023.7)
 静電気学会 エクセレントプレゼンテーション賞 (2023.3)
 The 2nd Energy and Informatics International Forum, Student Presentation Award - Silver Medal (2022.12)
 The 2nd Energy and Informatics International Forum, Best Collaboration Award (2022.12)
 The 12th Int Conf on Environmental Catalysis: Best Poster Presentation Award 受賞 (2022.8)
 ISPlasma2022: Best presentation Award 受賞 (2022.3)
 JSPS DC2 採択 (2021.10)
 静電気学会宍戸賞 受賞 (2021.3)
 静電気学会:増田賞 受賞 (2023.8)
 静電気学会:論文賞 受賞 (2023.8)

Outstanding Student Achievements

【Xiaozhong Chen】25th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry, Oral Prentation Award (2023.5)
【Xu Shuya】機械系エネルギーコース成績優秀賞 (2023.3)
【Dae-Yeong Kim】The 2nd Energy and Informatics International Forum, Student Presentation Award - Silver Medal (2022.12)
【Dae-Yeong Kim】The 2nd Energy and Informatics International Forum, Best Collaboration Award (2022.12)
【Dae-Yeong Kim】The 12th Int Conf on Environmental Catalysis: Best Poster Presentation Award (2022.8)
【武塙浩太郎】第15回動力エネルギー国際会議 優秀講演表彰 受賞 (2022.7)
【Xiaozhong Chen】The 6th ISPCEM: Best Oral Presentation Award 受賞 (2022.7)
【Daeyeong Kim】ISPlasma2022: Best presentation Award 受賞 (2022.3)
【武塙浩太郎】エネルギー・資源学会 第18回論文賞 受賞(2022.3)
【Daeyeong Kim】JSPS DC2 採択 (2021.10)
【Daeyeong Kim】静電気学会宍戸賞受賞 (2021.3)
【Zunrong Sheng】EAPETEA-7 Best Oral Presentation Award (2019.11)
【武塙浩太郎】JSPS DC2 採択 (2019.10)
【Z Sheng】Best Presentation Award 受賞 (13th Korea- China-Japan Student Symposium) (2019.5)
【坂田謙太】日本機械学会:三浦賞 受賞 (2019.3)
【武塙浩太朗】東京工業大学:機械系エネルギーコース成績優秀賞 受賞 (2019.3)
【大塚宗親】The Best Presentation Award:6th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Advanced Solar Cells 2019 (2019.2)
【亀島晟吾】JSPS PD 採択(2018.10)
【Zunrong Sheng】静電気学会:2018年度第5回静電気学会HRSB賞 受賞 (2018.11)
【Zunrong Sheng】The Best Student Paper Award 受賞(The 6th East Asia Joint Symposium on Plasma and Electrostatics technologies for Environmental Applications)(2018.8)
【坂田謙太】静電気学会:宍戸奨励賞 受賞 (2018.8)
【F B Juangsa】機械学会熱工学部門・講演論文表彰 受賞(The 9th JSME-KSME Thermal & Fluid Eng. Conf.)(2018.5)
【室屋好希】優秀修士論文賞 受賞(工学院機械系エネルギーコース)(2018.5)
【Z Sheng, F B Juangsa】Best Presentation Award 受賞 (12th Japan-Korea-China Student Symposium) (2018.3)
【山崎 匠】奨励賞 受賞(第27回日本MRS年次大会)(2017.12)
【室屋好希】 Best Oral Presentation Award 受賞(The 10th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Application of Plasma Technology) (2017.12)
【亀島晟吾】 2017年度第4回静電気学会 HRSB賞 受賞 (2017.9)
【亀島晟吾】 IPCS (International Plasma Chemistry Society) Scholarship Awarded (2017.3)
【室屋好希】 2017年度エネルギーイノベーション協創プロジェクト 優秀プレゼンテーション賞 受賞(2017.1)
【森 義樹】 2016年度武藤栄次賞優秀学生賞 受賞 (2017.3)
【亀島晟吾】JSPS DC1 採択(2016.10)
【Zhou Shu】 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad 受賞, China (2016.4)
【田村奎志朗】 Best Oral Presentation Award 受賞(10th Korea-China-Japan Student Workshop)(2016.3)
【Zhou Shu,森 義樹】 機械物理工学専攻大学院中間発表:ベストプレゼンテーション賞 受賞 (2016.1)
【田村奎志朗】 静電気学会:宍戸奨励賞 受賞(2015.3)
【田村奎志朗】 静電気学会:エクセレントプレゼンテーション賞 受賞(2015.3)
【Yi Ding】 2014年度秋季応用物理学会 講演奨励賞 受賞 (2014.12)
【Yi Ding】 35th International Symposium on Dry Process: Young Research Award 受賞 (2014.11)
【亀島晟吾】 静電気学会:増田賞 受賞,優秀論文賞 受賞(2014.9)

Assistant and Students

内線 2681,石6‐311号室

Professor, Dr. Xing Fan: CSC Scholarship Awarded

Visiting Scholar,Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, since 2022.10
Associate Professor, Dept. of Environmental Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, China (北京工业大学)
Dr. Eng., Beihang University, China (北京航空航天大学)

Plasma and catalysis/adsorption/absorption

Chen Xiaozhong:

Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept of Mechanical Engineering

B. Eng., Beijing Jiaotong University, China
M. Eng., Beijing Jiaotong University, China
D. Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology, JApan
MEXT Scholarship Awarded

Plasma catalysis - Reactor design & Kinetic analysis

Li Ming

Doctor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering (Energy Course)

B. Eng., Zhengzhou University, China(鄭州大学)
B. Eng., Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan
M. Eng., Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan

Plasma catalysis and modeling

Zhang Wenjun: MEXT Scholarship Awarded

Doctor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering (Energy Course)

B. Eng., Taiyuan University of Technology, China (太原理工大学)
M. Eng., Beijing Jiaotong University, China (北京交通大学)

Plasma catalysis

Si-Wan Kim

Research Student, Dept of Mechanical Engineering

B. Eng., Korea Maritime and Ocean University, South Korea
M. Eng., Korea Maritime and Ocean University, South Korea

Plasma and Catalysis

M H Rahman

Doctor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering (Mech Eng Course)

Next Gen Power System

Kawabata (M2)
Mech. Eng.

Next gen. energy system

Nakao (M2)
Mech. Eng.

in situ IR

Mimbu (M2)
Mech. Eng.

Plasma catalysis

Syu (M2)
Mech. Eng.

CCUJ, CO2 mineralization

Namiki (M1)
Mech. Eng.

Plasma catalysis

Okayama (M1)

CCUJ, CO2 mineralization

Doi (M1)

Next gen. energy system

Morita (B4)
Mech. Eng.

Next gen. energy system

Sugimoto (B4)
Mech. Eng.

Plasma catalysis

Arkaan (YSEP visiting student, undergrad)
Mech. Eng.

CCUJ, CO2 mineralization

update 2024.8

Alumni and Visitors


B:S Komori, 2024 March

D:C Zhan, 2023 Sep
D:X Chen, 2023 Sep

M:S Xu, 2023 Mar
B:Suginaga, 2023 Mar
D:D-Y Kim, 2023 Mar

D:K Takehana, 2022 Mar
M:R Iseki, 2022 Mar
B:J Song, 2022 Mar

D:A Saito, 2021 Sep
:T Makino, 2021 Sep

M:Murata, 2021 Mar
M:Wakamatsu, 2021 Mar
B:Ito, 2021 Mar

D:Z Sheng, 2020 Sep
:D Adrianto, 2020 Mar
M:M Ohtsuka, 2020 Mar
M:Y Watanabe, 2020 Mar
M:S Shibata, 2020 Mar
B:H Ideura, 2020 Mar
B:K Sagae, 2020 Mar

D:Firman B Juangsa, 2019.Sep
D:S Kameshima, 2019.Mar
:K Sakata, 2019.Mar
M:H Takatsu, 2019.Mar
M:K Takehana, 2019.Mar
M:Y Tanabe, 2019.Mar
B: Y Nagai, 2019.Mar

M: N Koda, 2018.Mar
M: Y Muroya, 2018.Mar
M: T Yamazaki, 2018.Mar

M Lukman A. Prananto, 2017.Sep
M: Y Asano, 2017.Mar
M: R Mizukami, 2017.Mar
M: Y Mori, 2017.Mar

D Shu Zhou, 2016. Sep

M: M Sugaya, 2016.Mar
M: K Tamura, 2016.Mar

B: Y Ishibashi, 2015.Mar

M: S Moriyama, 2014.Mar
M: K Maezono, 2014.Mar

M: R Yamada, 2013.Mar
B: K Kawai, 2013.Mar

Zhan Chunyuan: Tokyo Tech Academy of Energy and Informatics Awarded

B. Eng., Harbin Engineering University, China
M. Eng., Harbin Engineering University, China
Dr. Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology

Electrified methanation

Firah (YSEP)
Mech. Eng.

CO2 mineralization

K Takehana(武塙): JSPS DC2 Awarded
Doctor, Dept of Mechanical Engineering (Mech Eng Course)
Next Gen Energy System
Private company

Dr. A Saito
Dept of Mechanical Engineering (Energy Course)
Plasma and Materials Science, Chemistry

Dr. Zunrong Sheng(盛遵荣): CSC Scholarship Awarded
Research Scholar; Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Tokyo Tech

PD; Tianjin University

B. Eng., Zhengzhou University, China(鄭州大学)
M. Eng., Zhengzhou University, China(鄭州大学)
Dr. Eng., Tokyo Institute of Technology

Dr. Firman B. Juangsa LPDP Scholarship Awarded

Faculty; Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia (Since 2019.10)

B.Eng., Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
M.Eng., Tokyo Tech, Mechanicla Sciences and Engineering
Doctor: Tokyo Tech, Mechanical Engineering, 2019.9

Dr. S Kameshima(亀島)JSPS DC1 Awarded

B.Eng., Tokyo Tech, Mechanical Science
M.Eng., Tokyo Tech, Mechanicla Sciences and Engineering
Doctor: Tokyo Tech, Mechanical Engineering, 2019.3

JSPS PD Fellow at Hokkaido Univ (JSPS PD) (Since 2019.4)

Lukman A. Prananto LPDP Scholarship Awarded

Master, Tokyo Tech, Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2017.9
Undergrad, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Dr. Zhou Shu(周 述)

Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-Financed Students Abroad, CSC, China(2016.4)

Doctor: Tokyo Tech, Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 2016.9
Master: Zhejiang University(浙江大学), China
Under grad.: Chongqing University(重慶大学), China

PD Fellow at Chinese Univ, Hong Kong University (Since 2017.5)


Short term visiter,
Undergrad, Mech Engineering, Chiang Mai University, Thailand.

Reforming & Thermodynamics.

Dr. Yi Ding(丁 毅)

Nankai University(南開大学), Associate Professor since 2015

Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
Saitama University, Saitama, Japan: Supported by JSPS
D.Eng., Saitama University, Saitama, Japan.

National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan
Tokyo Tech Postdoctoral Fellow, Japan.

Sampson Moore
Visiting Researcher (Short term) 2014.June-August
Supported by East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) (JSPS summer program)

2014:Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, USA

Dr. Ryan Gresback JSPS DC1 Awarded

2013: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
2013: Tokyo Tech PD Fellow, Mechanical Sciences & Engineering,
2010: JSPS Fellow (DC1)
2010: D.Eng., Mechanical & Control Engineering, Tokyo Tech
2010: M.Sci., Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota, USA

Dr. Dogan Ilker
Visiting Researcher (Short term) 2012.May-July

2014 Ph.D Technical University of Eindoven, The Netherlands
2012 PhD candidate, Dept of Applied Physics, Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Dr. Zachary Holman
Visiting Researcher (Short term) 2010.Jun-Aug
Supported by East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes (EAPSI) (JSPS summer program)

2010: PhD; Mechanical Engineering., University of Minnesota, USA
2010: JSPS Fellow at Tokyo Tech (short term)
2010: Photovoltaics Laboratory, Institute of Microengineering, EPFL

Dr. Anil Agiral
Visiting Researcher

Rubicon fellow; Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
Helios Solar Energy Research Center
2009: Visiting Fellow, Tokyo Tech
2009: PhD, MESA+ Institute of Nanotechnology, Univ. of Twente, The Netherlands
2010: Visiting Fellow, Tokyo Tech

Dr. Valentin Goujard, JSPS Postdoctoral fellow awarded

2008: PhD; Applied Chemistry, University of Poitiers, France
2010: JSPS PD Fellow, Tokyo Tech

Plasma Catalysis, Applied Chemistry

Dr. Sreejit Achutan Nair, JSPS Postdoctoral fellow awarded

2008: PhD; Electrical Engineering, Technical Univ of Eindhoven, The Netherlands
2005-2007: JSPS PD Fellow, Tokyo Tech

Plasma Catalysis, Applied Chemistry

Copyright ©2012 東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科 機械物理工学専攻 野崎研究室